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As is well known, self-praise is not very meaningful. That’s why we let others praise us. Read the opinions of our customers, influencer, industry leaders and media representatives. We maintain long-term relationships with all of them, exchange information on current food trends, political events or communication challenges. For us, this results in a network of people from whom we can benefit in our daily work, but who we also support with advice and action. Because that too is pure communication.

Sandra Ganzenmüller and her team have earned my fullest respect for the enormous creativity, tireless dedication and excellent performance they have exhibited throughout our collaboration in the field of nutrition, in the food and beverage industries and through their marketing efforts. For jobs that required an especially delicate touch, Ms. Ganzenmüller and her colleagues have stood by our side with great deal of professionalism – this was exactly what gave me the support and strength I needed over the long process of managing various projects. I will gladly return the trust, the steadfast reliability and the uplifting spirit of kommunikation.pur’s staff in the years to come – many heartfelt thanks to the company’s motivating, helpful and also highly competent staff members whom I have had the pleasure of working with so far.

Birgit Blumenschein

Dietician, medical science educator

When I cast my net for an agency that emphasized nutrition, kommunikation.pur was the first choice. I have to say, it was more than worth it. Cooperation with their team has been professional, uncomplicated and cordial. Mutual understanding and solution-oriented work characterise the interaction. Together we have built up a new profile with added value for our company, which has been a lot of fun. I look forward to many more wonderful projects!

Sabrina Broeske

Innovations Manager, Haus Rabenhorst

I really appreciate the professional collaboration with Sandra Ganzenmüller and her team, as the entire team is passionate about food & beverages and puts their heart and soul into their work. Every project that I implement with kommunikation.pur is incredibly fun, well planned and perfectly tailored for my needs. The respectful exchange with the team is always satisfying and very competent. Thank you very much for your cooperation and trust.

Marcel Buchstaller

Food Blogger, Barkeeper & Food Stylist

kommunikation.pur is pure service. We searched a long time for an agency that is capable of comprehending new issues in a short amount of time and is able to present complex situations clearly in an understandable manner. With a great deal of expertise and journalistic professionalism, they have always focused on the interests of the consumer and the association.

Holger Eichele

Chief Managing Director, Deutscher Brauer-Bund e.V.

Simply great is the best way to describe our cooperation with kommunikation.pur! The exchange about joint projects is quick, uncomplicated and extremely competent. Tasks are ideally tailored and could hardly be more appropriate. Always very obliging and friendly, our common goals are reliably achieved. In case of queries, the team of kommunikation.pur is always dependable with great commitment and helpfulness! At this point, many thanks for your welcome partnership!

Tanja Gruber

Food Blogger: „Tanja’s glutenfreies Kochbuch“ (Tanja’s gluten-free cookbook”)

I found Sandra Ganzenmüller and her colleagues to be a motivated, competent team that is full of ideas. We benefit from their professional public relations and the strong connections they have forged in the baked goods industry. Their long-standing and excellent contact to key journalists in the trade press and their talent for quickly and effectively familiarizing themselves with new topics have been very advantageous for our company. They have also saved us a great deal of time and effort. Within a short period of time, we have developed a trustworthy and successful relationship that has created an uncomplicated business partnership.

Sascha Kaierle

Managing Director, KMZ Kassensystem GmbH

When we were choosing an agency, kommunikation.pur came out ahead, because they fulfilled all three fields of competency that were relevant to us – the team members know the ropes in the beer industry and they are well-versed in both brewing products and PR for the trade and consumer press.

Jürgen Keipp

Managing Director, Die Freien Brauer

I’m always happy when the kommunikation.pur team suggests a new project idea to me. Because I know from many years of experience that this team is not only highly professional, but human as well. I particularly appreciate the uncomplicated manner and the high level at which themes and projects are approached. Many people do nutrition, but not everyone can do it so well! At this point I would like to offer a big thank you!

Dr. Markus Keller

Nutritionist and Director of the Research Institute for Plant-Based Nutrition (IFPE)

We were looking for a competent PR partner for a product launch and found much more with kommunikation.pur. Here is a 100 percent reliable PR agency that has our back. Professionalism, high-quality texts, creative ideas and precision time management are the order of the day with the colleagues from kommunikation.pur. This is how a one-off campaign turned into a solid partnership for which we are grateful. We look forward to many successful years together.

Gabriele Knigge

Marketing Director, Waldemar Behn GmbH

kommunikation.pur, reliability.pur, engagement.pur, meticulousness.pur, partnership.pur, knowledge.pur, diversity.pur, trust.pur. With Sandra Ganzenmüller and her team, we have found much more than we were originally looking for. PR specialists who understand the SchapfenMühle and all its peculiarities, approach projects with passion and imagination and implement them in a professional and goal-oriented manner. Impulses for further initiatives also provide additional, irreplaceable added value. Different sales areas, diverse target groups in B2B and B2C and addressing and approaching them in a way that is appropriate to the target group is the high art of communication. With kommunikation.pur, we will continue and further expand our jointly developed PR strategies and coordinated communication approaches in the foreseeable future.

Tina Kraski

Marketing Director, SchapfenMühle

Dialoguing with the kommunikation.pur team is always a great pleasure for me because the offers are always individually tailored to me. The communication is uncomplicated and professional and this also allows me to optimally fulfil my own clients' wishes. The agency’s consistent creativity helps tremendously. I am already looking forward to the next joint project!

Olga Laitenberger

Food Photographer & Food Stylist,

All we can say about our cooperation with the kommunikation.pur team is: trusting, creative, highly competent and always solution-oriented. Together we did a lot of development work in the area of ​​corporate communication and always with great agency input, lots of fun and wonderful results. A stimulating mixture of great colleagues in the agency team around Sandra Ganzenmüller promises competence and experience from a wide variety of areas. We look forward to walking this path together for a long time to come.

Susanne Masch

Head of Marketing, Ernst Böcker GmbH & Co. KG

Sandra Ganzenmüller and her team have managed to establish the category “light mineral water” in Germany’s beverage trade press, in consumer media in the organic food industry, and as such, also in the minds of the consumers. Plose mineral water is thoughtfully positioned in the media, along with expert explanations of its valuable characteristics. The communication strategy has had a very positive impact on sales in Germany over the past few years. From press releases to training sessions for retailers, we trust kommunikation.pur when it comes to our PR needs.

Herbert Ploner

Plose Quelle AG

Working with the kommunikation.pur team is always a lot of fun. We have already implemented several collaborative projects together and I am always happy for new suggestions. The project selection always fits perfectly with my community and my blog. Communication is very professional, briefings are clear and comprehensible, coordination is uncomplicated and I have the greatest possible creative freedom in the development of ideas as well as input on production. I am already looking forward to further projects.

Sarah Renziehausen

blog & fotografie & content creation,

I enjoy the consistently professional cooperation with the kommunikation.pur team. Thanks to the agency's precise preparatory work, I can concentrate on the essentials: my own creative work. Briefings are precise and still give me my freedom. And the best thing is: after a task is complete, the "job" is not simply finished. You get important feedback and become part of the kommunikation.pur family. Influencer relations are not always so smooth. Thank you especially for that.

Patrick Rosenthal

Influencer, Food Photographer and Spiegel bestseller author

Working together with Sandra Ganzenmüller and her team can easily be described with three key words: reliability – creativity – versatility. “No can do” is a no-go! (for all practical purposes) Then add in their extremely friendly and trustworthy manner. Because kommunikation.pur understands our target audience extremely well – craft bakers and confectioners, BÄKO cooperatives, the supply industry – we can discuss our issues with them as contemporaries. And we have been doing that for more than 12 years now – and we hope there are many more years to come!

Falk Steins

Chief Editor, BÄKO-magazin

I have a very close relationship to kommunikation.pur. When we work together, I am always amazed at how professional, flexible, fast and precise they are – but I am equally as impressed by the staff’s passion and enthusiasm. It is more than just a business partnership, it is a friendship, too.

Dr. Wolfgang Stempfl

Verband der Diplom Biersommeliers

kommunikation.pur offers us just the support we need in our day-to-day business. Professional press relations, the best contacts to relevant media in the beverage industry, coupled with sound expertise – we are absolutely thrilled with Sandra and her team. Finding such a trusting, respectful and constructive collaboration is a real stroke of luck.

Anne Stühler

Marketing & PR Manager, Bavarian State Brewery Weihenstephan

Practical, competent and reliable – these keywords characterise the work of Sandra Ganzenmüller's team. Cross-medial and always creative, it is their goal to always put clients from the Food & Beverages sector in a positive light. As a trade media enterprise, we are very grateful for all the background and information they provide. This creates a constructive, cooperative atmosphere between all participants, also complemented by a generally sympathetic relationship network. Keep up the good work!

Marco Theimer

Chief Editor, Fleischer-Handwerk and Streetfood Business

In kommunikation.pur, we have found an experienced and competent partner for our public relations. We have been placing our trust in the team surrounding Sandra Ganzenmüller since 2009. Our needs are fulfilled with versatility, speed and a conscientious desire to do it right. This applies to press releases, newsletters, advertising and much more. Thanks to the agency’s many years of experience and contacts in the baked goods industry, we receive lots of valuable tips from them. Our market position has continuously improved as a result of our cooperation with the agency. All in all, we strongly value the professional and goal-oriented work we do together.

Reiner Veit

Managing Director, CompData

The right address when it comes to concentrated competency around the topic of food. The entire team is 100% committed to joint projects with their passion and their expertise. At the same time, they always strive for an uncomplicated and smooth process that is characterised by an authentic but, above all, open approach with one other. I look forward to many more years of creative collaboration with Sandra Ganzenmüller and her colleagues.

Isabella Wenzel

Food Blogger & Food Stylist, Lebkuchennest